
We focus on vintage that celebrates your individuality while upholding the highest standard of ethics. We sell items from a different era, items that were designed to last. Items designed with the longterm in mind, that won’t ever go out of style & will bring you joy for years to come. Each piece is one-of-a kind & of unparalleled quality.

Our mission is to supply people with the opportunity to express themselves by wearing special pieces that were crafted & curated with thought, that are affordable, sustainable, and that are shot with the female gaze in mind.

little time capsules

When sourcing, we look for items that make our hearts skip a beat. Items that are emotionally resonant in some way, whether it is a fruit print dress reminiscent of the one mom wore during childhood, or a vintage Hawaii tee like the one grandpa sported on the weekends. Quality is important to us, so the majority of items we stock are made of natural breathable fibers like cotton, linen, and silk —rarely polyester or synthetics. We only source pieces that have stood the test of time, and mindfully inspect each piece to insure they are in excellent condition.

suki bible

  • Do no harm — to each other, to animals, or to the planet

  • All are welcome

  • Comfort is key

  • Have fun with it!

Have something to sell or trade? Send a photo over to hello@shop-suki.com. We'd love to hear from you!